Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things our of the law
Psalm 119:18
Life always becomes to us the particular thing we need when we believe that it becomes to us that particular thing.
— The Science of Mind, page 45
Good News and Bad News
Amy was promoted and needed to find someone to fill her old position. She hired a series of applicants, but no one worked out. Then finally she found the perfect person. After two weeks of training, however, that person quit.
Amy felt devastated, and everyone commiserated with her. Late, at home she recounted her tale of woe to her husband, hoping for his sympathy as well. Instead, he looked at her and said, “Well, imagine how much more wonderful your next employee will be!” Amy was taken aback. That was not what she expected.
The next day, the boss introduced Amy to his daughter, who had just returned from living out of state. “Can you find a place for her?” asked the boss. It turned out that the daughter had been working a similar job for several years. She was ideally suited for the position Amy needed to fill. And guess what? She didn’t even need to be trained!
Today I relinquish control and let go of all worries about the details of my life. I totally surrender to God, my Higher Power. I know that everything is working out for the best in my life. Divine Right Action is occurring now. When things look dark, I know they are just giving me a “faith lift” so I am prepared to accept the greater good which is mine now. Thank you, God, for this realization.