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 1 346 248 7799,,247-365-1008 ##

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (247 365 1008) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

 1 346 248 7799,,247-365-1008 ##

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (247 365 1008) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

 1 346 248 7799,,247-365-1008 ## 

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (247 365 1008) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

1 346 248 7799,,247 365 1008 ##

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (247 365 1008) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

1 346 248 7799,,891 5376 7437##

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (891 5376 7437) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, Close Zoom and reopen Zoom from your browser. Click 'Join' and type in the Meeting ID (247 365 1008 ) and Passcode (WeAre1! ).

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