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Making peace must start within ourselves, in our families, and in our spiritual community. Each of us, members of Austin Center for Spiritual Living, commit ourselves as best we can to become nonviolent and peaceable people. To Respect Self and Others

To respect myself, to affirm others and to avoid uncaring criticism, hateful words, physical attacks and self-destructive behavior. To Communicate Better

To share my feelings honestly, to look for safe ways to express my anger, and to work at solving problems peacefully.

To Listen To listen carefully to one another, especially those who disagree with me, and to consider others' feelings and needs rather than insist on having my own way. To Forgive To apologize and make amends when I have hurt another, to forgive others, and to keep from holding grudges. To Respect Nature To treat the environment and all living things with respect and care. To Recreate Nonviolently To promote athletic and recreational activities that encourage cooperation and to avoid social activities that make violence look exciting, funny or acceptable. To Be Courageous To challenge violence in all forms whenever I encounter it, whether at home, at work, in the congregation, or in the community, and to stand with others who are treated unfairly. This is our pledge. These are our goals. We will check ourselves on what we have pledged once a year on January 30 so that we can help each other become more peaceable people. "Eliminating violence, one congregation at a time, starting with our own."

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