This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
— Psalm 118:24
I live in an eternal now which is filled with good alone.
— The Science of Mind, page 264
A Bunch of “One-Minutes”
The Science of Mind teaches us to live in the present, for that’s where God’s Power is. This teaching was brought to my attention in a special way recently by our nine-year-old daughter, Rainbow-Shalom.
She wasn’t feeling very well, so I took her to the local Minor Emergency Center. The doctor on duty there started telling us about his new spiritual life and how it was helping him to live in the present. Instead of always worrying about his family when he was at the clinic and worrying about the clinic when he was with his family, he was enjoying each moment more.
Then we began talking about Barry Kaufman, who runs the Options Institute in Massachusetts with his wife Suzi. We talked about how Barry played with orphaned children in South America and enjoyed every moment of it instead of bemoaning their poverty. We decided that Barry Kaufman is definitely a person who gets the most out of each moment.
All at once, Rainbow-Shalom’s eyes lit up. “I just understood something,” she said. “Life is just a bunch of one-minutes. All we have is this one minute. And if it’s good, we can put it in our mind, but if it’s bad, we can throw it away and start over with the new one minute!”
Right this very minute I give my total attention to what is happening to me.
I feel my breath going in and out. It is God’s breath.
I totally enjoy looking around the room and savoring each object.
They are God’s objects.
I love and bless my thoughts and enjoy each one of them,
for they are God’s thoughts.
With each minute I am born anew.
Thank You, God, for all the “one-minutes” of my life!