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Actions Are Now!

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

by Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson

According to your faith be it unto you.

— Matthew 9:29

"And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given unto you."

— The Science of Mind, page 157

Actions Are Now!

The difference between wishing for something and actually taking an action, is larger than the Grand Canyon! All of our "some day" plans lie in the nebulous future, but actions are now!

I have a wonderful son who lives with his wife and six children in Colorado. His youngest son, Ivan, is two years old and I've never seen him. I am constantly telling myself, "Some day soon, I'm going to Colorado and see my son and his family." I've been saying this for over two years. Every time I talk with my son on the phone, he asks me, "When are you coming to see us?" I respond with, "As soon as I can." That's like saying, "Never," because something always comes up to take up my time.

Two weeks ago, I once again was talking to my Colorado children. He had the speakerphone on and I was speaking with the entire family. All at once a tiny voice said, "Hi Grandma!" That was the grandchild I had never even seen! I hung up the phone and decided "This is it!" I sat down and wrote a letter to all the Colorado ministers, telling them, "I'm planning on being in Colorado in February." And I asked them to invite me to speak at their churches and do workshops for them. I got calls and letters almost immediately, inviting me to come. So, as we say in Texas, "It's a done deal!"

Today I take an action. I make a phone call. I send a letter. I outline the book I have been planning to write. I start my food plan. I submit my resume. I exercise. I play the piano. Whatever it is, I take an action, because I know that actions are now!

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