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Ask and You Shall Receive

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,

believing, ye shall receive.

— Matthew 21:22

We shall receive that for which we ask.

— The Science of Mind, page 435

Ask and You Shall Receive

Ernest Holmes tells us that there is a direct response from Universal Intelligence to our intelligence. I recently had two demonstrations of this principle that thrilled me to the core.

My daughter, Rainbow-Shalom, was graduating from college, and one day, while I was meditating, I got the very strong message that she was to go to Europe after graduation. “Lovely idea,” I thought, “but where will I get the funds for this adventure?” Then, my friend suggested that I invite all our friends to the graduation, and suggest that if they want to give a gift, they would be welcome to contribute to a Europe trip. So I mailed out the invitations and included a lovingly stamped self-addressed envelope. The money began pouring in. To date, she has received $3200.00!

Next, as I was preparing to go to China, I was meditating one day, and got the distinct picture of Rainbow-Shalom and me climbing The Great Wall of China! “How could that ever happen?” I mused. All at once I was inspired to call the owner of the Tour Company and ask if there was a way she could join me in China. He said, “Just a minute,” juggled some figures, came back, and included her in the trip without any money out of pocket for me! When we don’t ask, the answer is always “no.” However, when we do ask, there is always a possibility of “yes.”

Today I follow my intuition, and inner guidance.

I ask for everything I want,

and then I totally get ready to receive.

Thank You, God.

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