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God Is Our One and Only Source, Now and Forever!

But my God shall supply all our needs ...

— Philippians 4:19

The earth contains untold riches ...

— The Science of Mind, page 25

God Is Our One and Only Source, Now and Forever!

Have you ever known something, and then you keep forgetting it? It was the day before I was to fly to Jamaica. All my bills were paid — that is, all except my car payment of $287.26. I decided to go out for my daily walk, when I do my affirmations and my treatment (prayer) work. This day, however, I kept wondering in the back of my mind how I was going to make my car payment by 6:00 AM the next morning.

The affirmation I was saying aloud over and over that day was “God is my one and only Source now and forever!” All at once, something spectacular happened! Instead of vain mutterings, I got it! Yes, I deeply embodied the knowing that God is my one and only Source now and forever! Something had shifted within me.

I returned home. The doorbell rang. It was the Express Mailman, who handed me an envelope. I opened it. Inside was $150.00 cash from a woman for whom I had prayed the preceding week. Then, the U.S. mail arrived. In it was a card containing a check for $400.00 from someone whose wedding I was going to perform in four months. He asked if it was all right to send me the money now, because he might not have it by the time of the wedding. “Sure!” I thought. “Lay it on me!” Finally, before the day was done, a friend dropped over and gave me a check for $100.00! Yes! God is my one and only Source, now and forever!

God is my one and only Source now and forever!

God is my one and only Source now and forever!

All my needs and desires are now met by God.

All my bills are now paid by God.

God is my one and only Source now and forever! Amen.

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