by Rev. Dr. Rainbow Johnson God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory...
— Philippians 4:19
...God will supply all our needs.
— The Science of Mind, page 496
God Takes Care of Our Every Need
A wonderful retired Unity minister, Mary Katherine MacDougall, once told me that every morning when she awakens, she says, “Thank You God for taking care of all my needs this day.” I loved the idea and began doing it. Amazing things happened.
My daughter and I were scheduled to go see the opera “Tannhäuser.” She had a complimentary ticket and I had reserved mine, intending to pick it up the afternoon of the performance. I studied the opera all week until I knew every word. I loved “Tannhäuser” but had never seen a production. We got to the reservation window. They had no record of my name. “Sorry, sold out,” said the girl. I said silently, “God, You would not have prepared me for this experience if You did not want me to attend. There must be a way.” I was moved to go around the corner to the box office. There was a young man ahead of me in line, evidently picking up 10 tickets. He finished his transaction, turned to me and said, “I am giving these tickets away. Pick any one you want!” His name was Ed and I proceeded to call him St. Ed. I chose one of the tickets at random and it turned out to be a wonderful seat, sitting in the midst of all the season ticket holders. God takes care of every need!
Each morning I start my day with a knowingness in my heart that God is taking care of all my needs. I am filled with a peace that passeth understanding and go forth in joy. And so it is.