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I Forgot To Pray

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

— Matthew 21.22

Through prayer we recognize a spiritual law that has always existed,

and put ourselves in alignment with it.

— The Science of Mind, page 152

I Forgot To Pray

Have you ever experienced a crisis in your life and tried absolutely everything to no avail, until at last you remembered God? Heather, a beautiful young mother did just that. She and her husband and baby boy had signed up to go to our church retreat and were looking forward to it tremendously. The night before the retreat, Heather stepped on a piece of glass with her bare foot. She was in tears because the pain was so great. Finally she asked her husband to take her to the emergency room. They told her that it would cot $150 to do what was needed. Not having that much money, she and her husband turned around and went home. Heather cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, she awakened with a tremendous inspiration. “I haven’t even prayed about this situation.” So she immediately began to talk to God. “Father-Mother God, I know that my foot is perfect as it is. There is no place for foreign matter in my body. It is perfect as it was created to be. I know that Divine Wisdom knows what must be done right now to restore it to its perfection and I totally surrender to You!” Now this is the spectacular part. She looked down at her foot, and all at once the glass appeared. With a very minor manipulation, she got it out. She soaked her foot in alcohol, and that evening the whole family appeared at the retreat where she shared the entire incident with us. She concluded by saying there ought to be a bumper sticker that reads, “Pray first. Play later.”

I know that God lives in me.

I know that I live in God.

I know that when I call upon God,

He answers me.

He is with me in trouble.

He restores me,

renews me,

heals me,

protects me,

guides me,

and guards me.

And all I have to do is ask.

Thank You, God, for this great blessing.

Do you want to know how beautiful you are?

Just look into my eyes and see yourself reflected there.

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