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It’s Not Real!

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

—Matthew 5:48

Sickness is not a spiritual reality; it is an experience — an effect and not a cause.

— The Science of Mind, page 177

It’s Not Real!

Something happened recently at our church that illustrates the meaning of this statement, basic to the Science of Mind philosophy: “Change your thinking; change your life!” A student in one of the classes had excruciating pain in the knuckles of her right hand. She couldn’t move her fingers and feared that she had arthritis. Finally, she made an appointment with a specialist and had every sort of test imaginable. He reported back to her that he could find nothing wrong with her hand, but would be happy to prescribe some medicine for her to help alleviate the pain.

She promptly answered, “No, thank you!” She realized that since the doctor could find nothing physically wrong with her, the problem she was experiencing had a mental cause. She remembered the Science of Mind teaching that all problems have mental causes, and she resolved to do something about her problem. From that moment on, she began to see God present in her fingers, accepting them as being perfect in every way. She had no more pain and it has never recurred!

If our mind has created pain, our mind can uncreate it! What greater gift can we have than that of being the master of our fate, the captain of our soul?

Today I release all my negative thought patterns. I say to them, “I let you return to the nothingness from whence you came.” I let go of all apparent Illness — of mind, body, and spirit. Infinite Intelligence within me is in charge, and I am free!

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