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The Healing Power of God

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

I Corinthians 3:16

My entire body is now a receptive channel for the operation of God-Life .

— The Science of Mind, page 243

The Healing Power of God

Affirmations are brief, positive statements of spiritual truth expressed in the present tense. Using them helps you replace negative thinking with positive, God-centered ideas, and this causes your outer circumstances to improve. At times, affirmations produce results rapidly, even instantaneously! Eleanor, a student of the Science of Mind philosophy, told me how an affirmation helped her to be healed of a distressing physical condition.

Eleanor’s earliest childhood memories revolved around the state of her digestion. Every family social event was followed by her experiencing a bout of “acute indigestion.” At age four, she was put on a restricted diet. Digestive difficulties continued during her adult life.

She was aware of the value of affirmations but had never used any until one day, she decided to try them to see what would happen. She started saying, “The healing Power of God is flowing through me now.” She kept saying this various times throughout the day, including at night before going to bed. One night, she awakened with the affirmation running through her mind: “The healing Power of God is flowing through me now.” After repeating it a few times, she suddenly felt a band of heat going down her spine. It stopped at the area of the solar plexus.

When she was X-rayed next, she was told that she had a great deal of scar tissue from a duodenal ulcer, which had been responsible for her digestive difficulties but that the ulcer had healed and was no longer active. It has remained inactive ever since.

The healing Power of God is flowing through me now. It is flowing through my body. It is flowing through my daily activities. It is flowing through my mind. It is flowing through my emotions. It is flowing through all my relationships. The healing Power of God is flowing through my life now.

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