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Wishing Makes It So

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou

mayest prosper and be in health ...

— III John 2

... wish only for that which is good

— The Science of Mind, page 458

Wishing Makes It So

Science of Mind tells us that our lives are outpicturings of our consciousness. This makes the following story even more significant. When I was in Russia, every evening after our daily presentations, we met with groups of Russians who plied us with goodies, sang us Russian songs, and asked us many questions about the United States. One evening, we met with the children (ages 6 to 13) who had prepared a special play for us. Afterwards, they joined us around the table and began asking us myriad questions about life in the U.S. After telling them about our holidays, foods, pets, and way of life, I was inspired to ask them a question. “What would you wish for if you had three wishes?”

Their answers astounded us and moved us to tears. Keep in mind the kinds of answers you would get if you asked this question to American children. The first child wished for an end to the war. (The Kosovo bombing was going on at the time.) The second child wished for no more arguments between brothers and sisters. The next child wished for no more hunger in the world. Other answers included no more homeless people, no more war, and no more homeless animals. Not one answer was for themselves, their family, or even their country. No, all answers were for the entire planet! These children had a global consciousness!

Then they asked us what our wishes would be. Through our tears we responded, “to do everything in our power to make your wishes come true!”

Today I think cosmically and act locally. I edit out of my consciousness thoughts of judgment, fear, anger, and limitation. I am a peace maker in the most important

location there is — in my very own mind!

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